Tuesday 21 April 2015

Guys!! Health and Wealth (Money) is the most important needs if you want to do carrier related to social life

Guys!! Health and Wealth (Money) is the most important needs if you want to do carrier related to social life (Politics,Social work,Farming,Animal Husbandary etc..). If you are Wealthy and Healthy then and then only you can become others Wealthy and Healthy.

Mr.Amol Khilare:President Team Member,Herbalife International.

Mr.Amol Khilare:President Team Member,Herbalife International.
Education:F.Y.B.Com Fail.
Background:Middel class family.
When joined Herbalife didn't know about English and having lack of confidence.
Presently Conducting international training.
Started carrier with Herbalife at the age of 19.
Have been working with Hebalife from last 14 yeras.
Annual income:3 Coror plus bonus plus Royalty income.
